When should you use paid ads vs organic?

The difference between organic marketing and paid marketing is that organic marketing focuses on attracting traffic for free, while paid marketing involves paying for traffic. Both have their uses, and one is not inherently better than the other.

When should you use paid ads vs organic?

The difference between organic marketing and paid marketing is that organic marketing focuses on attracting traffic for free, while paid marketing involves paying for traffic. Both have their uses, and one is not inherently better than the other. While organic marketing encompasses a more holistic, word-of-mouth messaging style, paid marketing focuses more on sales. Organic marketing is all about content and focuses on education, entertainment, improving search results and building customer loyalty.

Paid marketing distributes microsegmented ads and sponsored posts to users on social networks and search engines. The main difference between organic and paid is the alignment of objectives. To build trust, audience and participation, organic always wins. To achieve conversions and loyalty, the best option is to pay.

Both work in parallel and it is the team that decides to divide the budget and resources.

Ethel Schunter
Ethel Schunter

Infuriatingly humble food practitioner. Amateur bacon maven. Friendly beer evangelist. Devoted social media advocate. Wannabe twitter trailblazer.

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