Ethel Schunter

Ethel Schunter

Infuriatingly humble food practitioner. Amateur bacon maven. Friendly beer evangelist. Devoted social media advocate. Wannabe twitter trailblazer.

103 Author´s Posts
Monitoring Performance in the Google Local Pack Rankings

Monitoring Performance in the Google Local Pack Rankings

Are you looking to track and monitor your performance in the Google Local Pack Rankings? As a business owner, you know...

Why is local search marketing important?

Why is local search marketing important?

This makes your business easier for new customers to discover. One of the biggest benefits of using local SEO includes...

Tracking Engagement with Content by Location

Tracking Engagement with Content by Location

Local content marketing is an increasingly important aspect of businesses' marketing strategies, with location-specific...

What is difference between paid and organic?

What is difference between paid and organic?

The difference between organic search and organic search focuses on unpaid rankings in search results, paid search...

Why seo is important in a business?

Why seo is important in a business?

In short, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities...

Leveraging Partners and Suppliers for Local Link Building

Leveraging Partners and Suppliers for Local Link Building

Link building is an essential part of any SEO strategy, and leveraging the relationships you have with local partners and ...

Tracking Views on a Google My Business Account

Tracking Views on a Google My Business Account

Do you want to know how many people are viewing your Google My Business account? Whether you’re a business owner or an...

Optimizing On-Page Content for Local SEO Strategies

Optimizing On-Page Content for Local SEO Strategies

Are you looking for ways to optimize on-page content for local SEO strategies? If so, you've come to the right place. In...

Building Citations Automatically

Building Citations Automatically

In today's competitive world, one of the most important things for a business to succeed is to make sure that it is...

What is seo in simpler terms?

What is seo in simpler terms?

SEO stands for “search engine optimization”. In simple terms, it refers to the process of improving your site to...

Tracking and Analyzing Traffic from Local Listings

Tracking and Analyzing Traffic from Local Listings

Local listings are a powerful tool to drive traffic to your website, but understanding and tracking the performance of...

Updating Local Listings

Updating Local Listings

Are you looking to update your local listings but aren't sure where to start? Updating local listings can be a confusing...

Monitoring Link Velocity by Location

Monitoring Link Velocity by Location

For local businesses, understanding how to monitor link velocity by location is essential for successful link building....

Why local digital marketing is important?

Why local digital marketing is important?

Local digital marketing helps local businesses reach more customers, increase revenues and create new jobs. It helps the...

How can i get seo words?

How can i get seo words?

Free keyword research tools: Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Keyword Tool, io, Term Explorer, Moz's Keyword...

Does seo improve organic search?

Does seo improve organic search?

SEO is the process of increasing your website's ranking in organic search results, so that more potential customers can...

What are the benefits of local seo?

What are the benefits of local seo?

This makes your business easier for new customers to discover. Local SEO is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy...

Is seo a part of marketing?

Is seo a part of marketing?

SEO is a cost-effective digital marketing strategy that can generate a high return on investment (ROI) when done...

What is the most important factor of search engine marketing?

What is the most important factor of search engine marketing?

Page speed (including mobile page speed) Page speed has been cited as one of the top SEO ranking factors for years....

Tracking the Quality of Links to Location Pages

Tracking the Quality of Links to Location Pages

For local businesses, building a strong network of links and monitoring them is essential for successful SEO. Having a...

Why is it called organic search?

Why is it called organic search?

Organic search refers to unpaid search results from a search engine. Advertisers cannot buy or influence these results;...

What is seo and why is it so important?

What is seo and why is it so important?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which means optimizing your website's content and technical settings so that...

Do you pay for organic search?

Do you pay for organic search?

While organic search focuses on unpaid rankings in search results, paid search focuses on paid rankings. With organic...

What is a seo and how it works?

What is a seo and how it works?

Well, SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, which is the process of getting traffic from free, organic,...

Local SEO Benefits: A Clear Overview

Local SEO Benefits: A Clear Overview

Local SEO is an essential tool for businesses seeking to reach local customers, especially in Charleston, SC. It has...

Adding Photos and Videos to Your Google My Business Account

Adding Photos and Videos to Your Google My Business Account

Are you looking to make your Google My Business account stand out from the competition? Adding photos and videos to your...

Tracking and Analyzing Reviews for Local Listings

Tracking and Analyzing Reviews for Local Listings

In today's increasingly competitive digital landscape, local listings have become an essential part of any business's...

Creating Links from Relevant Sources in the Community

Creating Links from Relevant Sources in the Community

Creating links from relevant sources in the community is a key component of any successful local link building strategy....

Analyzing Rankings of a Google My Business Account

Analyzing Rankings of a Google My Business Account

Keeping track of the performance of your Google My Business account is essential for staying ahead of the competition....

Why does local seo matter?

Why does local seo matter?

This makes your business easier for new customers to discover. Local SEO is a digital marketing strategy that helps you...

Why is learning seo important?

Why is learning seo important?

SEO is made up of multiple elements, and knowing what they are and how they work is key to understanding why SEO is so...

Local SEO vs Organic SEO

Local SEO vs Organic SEO

Are you wondering how Local SEO and Organic SEO differ? Local SEO and Organic SEO are two different strategies for...

Why is organic search better?

Why is organic search better?

According to Google's Economic Impact Report, organic search is 5 times more valuable than Google Ads. Paid search is a...

Removing Duplicate Citations for Local Businesses

Removing Duplicate Citations for Local Businesses

Having duplicate citations for your local business can be detrimental to its overall visibility. Not only does it create...

How many types of seo is there?

How many types of seo is there?

There are around 12 different types of SEO that help websites rank better on search engine results pages. On-page SEO is...

Analyzing Traffic from the Google Local Pack Rankings

Analyzing Traffic from the Google Local Pack Rankings

Are you curious to know how well your business is performing in the Google Local Pack Rankings? If so, it’s important...

Factors Affecting Rankings in Maps

Factors Affecting Rankings in Maps

With the rise of technology, mapping services have become increasingly important for businesses to reach their desired...

What should be in a seo strategy?

What should be in a seo strategy?

An SEO strategy is a plan for creating, optimizing and promoting content to improve its visibility in search engine...

What does organic mean in search?

What does organic mean in search?

Organic search results are the unpaid results that appear on a search engine's results page after a query. In the...

What is the difference between organic and paid traffic?

What is the difference between organic and paid traffic?

Simply put, organic traffic is traffic that comes to your website from organic rankings in search results, while paid...

Creating Local Listings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating Local Listings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to establish a strong presence for your business in the local market? Creating local listings is a great...

Exploring How Maps Work

Exploring How Maps Work

Maps have become a ubiquitous tool for navigating the world, both in physical and digital form. Whether you're looking...

Tracking Traffic from Content to Location Pages

Tracking Traffic from Content to Location Pages

Are you looking to track the success of your local content marketing efforts? Do you want to understand how content...

What is local seo vs seo?

What is local seo vs seo?

While traditional SEO focuses on improving the visibility of your site on a national or global scale, local SEO focuses...

Understanding How the Google Local Pack Works

Understanding How the Google Local Pack Works

Do you want to know how the Google Local Pack works? Understanding how the Local Pack works is essential for any business ...

Building Citations Manually

Building Citations Manually

Are you a local business owner trying to build citations manually? If so, you are not alone. Many local business owners...

Why are organic search listings more valuable than paid search listings?

Why are organic search listings more valuable than paid search listings?

One of the most important benefits of relying on organic traffic is that it doesn't have to cost you anything. While...

Is organic search the same as seo?

Is organic search the same as seo?

While organic search focuses on unpaid rankings in search results, paid search focuses on paid rankings. With organic...

Optimizing Off-Page Signals for Maps Rankings

Optimizing Off-Page Signals for Maps Rankings

As businesses strive to build their online presence, having a strong presence in local search results has become...

Why is seo important seo?

Why is seo important seo?

In short, SEO is crucial because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities...

What is difference between local seo and seo?

What is difference between local seo and seo?

National SEO usually focuses on several keywords and phrases that can be related to a product or service, but without a...

What matters most for seo?

What matters most for seo?

Make your site give priority to mobile devices · 3. Optimize your page speed · 5.But with more than 1.8 billion...

Managing Local Listings: A Guide to Optimizing Your Presence

Managing Local Listings: A Guide to Optimizing Your Presence

In today's digital age, managing local listings has become increasingly important for businesses. Having an optimized...

How do you explain seo to a 5 year old?

How do you explain seo to a 5 year old?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a lot like an “iTunes list” on the Internet, websites rank higher in search...

What should be consistent in developing a local seo strategy?

What should be consistent in developing a local seo strategy?

You want to keep your contact information consistent across all the directories you're in. Consistency is key when it...

Improving Off-Page Signals for Local SEO

Improving Off-Page Signals for Local SEO

As a business owner, you want your website to be found by people in your local area. That's why it's so important to pay...

Creating a Google My Business Account

Creating a Google My Business Account

Creating a Google My Business Account is an essential step for any business looking to increase visibility and reach a...

Which is better organic or paid?

Which is better organic or paid?

To build trust, audience and participation, organic always wins. The main difference between organic and paid is the...

What is the importance of focusing on local seo?

What is the importance of focusing on local seo?

One of the main benefits of local SEO is that it improves your search positions so you can gain more visibility and, as a ...

Adding Services and Products to a Google My Business Account

Adding Services and Products to a Google My Business Account

Are you looking to add services and products to your Google My Business Account? With the right steps, you can maximize...

Which type seo is best?

Which type seo is best?

White hat SEO improves your search engine's ranking on the SERPs while regulating the integrity of your website with the...

How to Promote Content Locally

How to Promote Content Locally

In today's digital age, promoting content locally is a key part of any successful content marketing strategy. With the...

Citation Building for New Businesses: A Comprehensive Overview

Citation Building for New Businesses: A Comprehensive Overview

Starting a new business is a daunting task. It requires hard work, dedication, and a lot of planning.

Which is an example of a local search?

Which is an example of a local search?

A “local search query” is a search question that someone types into Google when searching for a service or store that ...

How effective is local seo?

How effective is local seo?

Local SEO is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that helps your business to be more visible in local search...

Creating Location-Specific Content for Local Audiences

Creating Location-Specific Content for Local Audiences

Creating content that resonates with local audiences can be a daunting task. You need to be aware of the cultural norms...

When should you use paid ads vs organic?

When should you use paid ads vs organic?

The difference between organic marketing and paid marketing is that organic marketing focuses on attracting traffic for...

What is seo wording?

What is seo wording?

Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that allow people to find your site through search...

Why seo is so important to business?

Why seo is so important to business?

A good ranking and favorable location help raise your brand's profile. SEO helps create long-term value for your brand.

What is local seo and why do we need local seo?

What is local seo and why do we need local seo?

Local SEO is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that helps your business be more visible in Google's local...

What is seo and how it works for beginners?

What is seo and how it works for beginners?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of increasing traffic to a website from organic search results. It...

How do i create a local seo strategy?

How do i create a local seo strategy?

LocalOptimize SEO Tips for Google My Business, participate in social media and add posts to Google My Business, ensure...

Identifying High-Quality Citations for Local Businesses

Identifying High-Quality Citations for Local Businesses

Identifying high-quality citations for local businesses is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy. Citation...

Optimizing Citations for Local Listings

Optimizing Citations for Local Listings

Are you looking for ways to improve your local listings and make sure they are properly optimized? Creating and...

Analyzing Competitors' Link Profiles by Location

Analyzing Competitors' Link Profiles by Location

Are you a business looking to gain a competitive advantage in the local market? Are you looking to gain more visibility...

What is on-page seo mean?

What is on-page seo mean?

Onpage optimization (also known as on-page SEO) refers to all the measures that can be taken directly within the website...

Monitoring Citations for Accuracy and Consistency

Monitoring Citations for Accuracy and Consistency

For businesses that rely on local customers, accuracy and consistency of citations is essential. Citations are listings...

Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research for Local SEO Strategies

Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research for Local SEO Strategies

As a local business owner, you need to stay on top of your competition to make sure your business is visible to potential ...

What are the main seo types?

What are the main seo types?

Off-page SEO: Anything that happens outside your website that helps with your SEO strategy: backlinks. Technical SEO:...

What is seo in school?

What is seo in school?

It's a free eight-year academic program that allows low-income public high school students to enter and finish college,...

What should be consistent in local seo strategy?

What should be consistent in local seo strategy?

Keep your contact information consistent across all directories. Your contact information should always include your...

How do i increase google organic traffic?

How do i increase google organic traffic?

How to improve your organic search engine optimization efforts Don't be afraid of low or zero volume keywords. Develop a...

Claiming an Existing Google My Business Account

Claiming an Existing Google My Business Account

Are you looking to claim an existing Google My Business account? If so, you have come to the right place. In this...

How much do seo people make?

How much do seo people make?

For more junior positions, such as SEO researchers, the salary. Front-end development for designers Our career change...

Using Photos and Videos in Local Listings

Using Photos and Videos in Local Listings

Having photos and videos on your local listings can be a great way to increase engagement and visibility for your...

What is seo and its types?

What is seo and its types?

Off-page SEO: anything that happens outside your website and that helps with your SEO strategy: backlinks. Technical SEO: ...

What is local search results?

What is local search results?

A local search engine is very similar to a regular search engine, except that it returns results that contain local...

What is Local SEO?

What is Local SEO?

Are you looking to boost your business's visibility on local search engine result pages? You should consider local SEO....

What is the importance of local seo in digital marketing?

What is the importance of local seo in digital marketing?

This makes your business easier for new customers to discover. Local advertising is extremely beneficial for any business.

Tracking Content Rankings By Location

Tracking Content Rankings By Location

Are you looking to track the rankings of your content by location? With the ever-changing world of digital marketing,...

What is local search in marketing?

What is local search in marketing?

Local search marketing is everything you do online or offline to promote a physical business that establishes...

What's the most important aspect of on page seo to you?

What's the most important aspect of on page seo to you?

Meta tags are one of the most important on-page SEO factors, specifically page titles. Each page has a title tag that...

Does seo increase organic traffic?

Does seo increase organic traffic?

SEO increases organic traffic by making your web pages rank higher in search engines like Google. When you optimize pages ...

Is local seo paid?

Is local seo paid?

Some local small and medium-sized businesses may exist in a more competitive niche and therefore require a more...

Which of these is an on-page seo practice?

Which of these is an on-page seo practice?

On-page SEO refers to the elements of SEO that you control on the web page, or to the code of the web page itself....

How do i do seo in digital marketing?

How do i do seo in digital marketing?

SEO Content Strategy Make a list of topics, make a list of long keywords based on these topics, create pages for each...

How are seo services charged?

How are seo services charged?

After reading this, you'll be able to understand what an SEO campaign entails and, approximately, how much you should pay ...

What is local search in google?

What is local search in google?

A “local search query” is a search question that someone types into Google when searching for a service or store that ...

Which is an on page seo practice?

Which is an on page seo practice?

On-page SEO (also known as “on-site SEO”) is the practice of optimizing the content of a web page for search engines...

What is local marketing in digital marketing?

What is local marketing in digital marketing?

Local marketing refers to the marketing strategies that a company uses online to get its products or services to people...